Currently Protected:
480,000+ acres
Your donation furthers our mission of Enriching Life Through Land Protection.
Mailing Address:
Georgia-Alabama Land Trust, Inc
226 Old Ladiga Road
Piedmont, AL 36272
GALT accepts cryptocurrency donations such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), or other types of crypto. The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property, so crypto donations to a nonprofit receive the same tax treatment as stock donations. Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains on the appreciated amount. Please contact your tax or financial advisor for more information.
Did you know the Georgia-Alabama Land Trust can accept donations of stock?
Stock transfers are an excellent way to further our cause - potentially without paying capital gains taxes on your stock gift.
Contact Katherine Eddins at katherine@galandtrust.org or (404) 861-8567 for more information.
A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. Please consider this as a way to further our mission.
Click here to learn more or donate
If you would like to donate from your donor-advised fund over the phone, please call (404) 861-8567.
This is a powerful way to impact our work. Consider a gift in your will, insurance product, or otherwise. It can be a gift of land, stock, cash, or other things that will help us do our work. Even small bequest make a huge difference to us!
Ways to Give

Why Give?
At GALT, we see a future where our rivers, coastlines, farms, and forests - the globally unique habitat, species, and features that contribute to our extraordinary landscape - are preserved and cherished for future generations.
To accomplish this, we partner with private landowners to protect their land in perpetuity, collaborate with state and federal agencies to enact comprehensive conservation measures and engage with communities to educate on the importance of land protection.
Every donation helps to further these efforts. On average, for every $35 donated to the Land Trust, GALT can protect the equivalent of one acre of conservation land.
Our Impact
We are lucky to have some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the country. Although our primary focus is on conserving land within Georgia and Alabama, our work has a significant impact that ripples beyond state lines, positively influencing the rest of the country in several ways:
Preserving Our Unique Biodiversity:
Georgia and Alabama are home to diverse ecosystems, rare and endemic species, and unique habitats. Preserving this land promotes biodiversity on a regional and national scale. By safeguarding native plants, wildlife, and their habitats, we contribute to the overall health of the nation's natural heritage.
Enhancing Climate Resilience:
Conserved lands play a crucial role in supporting climate resiliency. Forests absorb carbon dioxide, helping to reduce greenhouse gas levels. Preserving wetlands helps control flooding and provides natural buffers against extreme weather events and storm surge, benefiting not only the local communities but also those situated in adjacent states.
Connecting Wildlife Corridors:
Many species migrate across state lines. Preserving habitats in Georgia and Alabama helps maintain essential wildlife corridors, allowing animals to move freely. Preventing habitat fragmentation supports healthy wildlife populations that positively impacts ecosystems beyond our borders.
Ensuring Water and Air Quality:
Healthy landscapes act as natural filters, purifying our air and water. Protecting these ecological systems helps maintain air quality and ensures the availability of clean water sources flowing across state borders, benefiting neighboring regions and downstream communities.
Connecting People with Nature through Preserving Scenic Landscapes:
We understand the value of connecting people with their natural environment and believe Georgia and Alabama's natural beauty is worth protecting. Preserved scenic areas provide opportunities for recreational activities which foster appreciation for land and can have many positive impacts on the individual.
Aiding in Research and Education:
Our region’s diverse ecosystems are invaluable for scientific research and education. Protecting them ensures that researchers and students can continue to study and learn from these environments, leading to insights that can be applied worldwide.
Maintaining an Agricultural Legacy and Food Security:
The fertile landscapes and productive soils of Georgia and Alabama have been vital contributors to the nation's agricultural industry. Preserving these lands helps maintain agricultural diversity and productivity that benefits not only local communities but also the greater country. Our commitment to protecting agricultural land in perpetuity and encouraging responsible land use practices fosters a more secure food system for our nation.
Inspiring Land Conservation:
Successful conservation efforts in Georgia and Alabama inspire other states and regions to take similar actions. When a region demonstrates the positive effects of conservation, it encourages increased efforts to protect other natural spaces across the country.